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How can you tell if an eames chair is real?

How to tell if Eames chair is authentic? An authentic Eames lounge chair should measure 32 inches from the floor to the top of the headrest. Many copies are several inches to 10 inches or more inches larger than an original. The edge of the front seat is about 15 inches off the ground, but note that some copies are the same size. The best way to find out whether the lounge chair you’re looking at is an authentic Eames lounge chair or a reproduction is to study reality.

Just like with money, you look at reality long enough and know if something is wrong. Here are a few things to look for when identifying an Eames lounge chair. Charles and Ray Eames at their home in Santa Monica, California, 1950. The famous Herman Miller poster “Beware Of Imitations” from 1963 was publicly published to raise awareness of copy on the market, and the same message is as relevant today as it was when the poster was created.

It is fair to say that the value of the item sold should be on the order of 1 (higher) to 3 (lower). The reality, however, is that most fiberglass chairs are sold without knowing their origin. Most modern imitations are more like the originals because they have become bolder to directly copy both the style and technique of the original chair. Or if your neighbor has the same, newer Eames lounge chair and ottoman and you want to quickly swap your worn-out seat for his still-durable ottoman cushion without him knowing it, then you can.


are rubber inserts between the posts and the wood, flexibility (shock absorption, if you like want) when someone is sitting in the chair. The Eames Lounge Chair is manufactured with unmatched precision — to ensure authenticity, start with the dimensions. Vintage imitations (and some modern ones) try to make the chair more of a recliner by adding a spring mechanism that allows it to be tilted forwards and backwards, but the basic position is much more upright than the 670. The chair and ottoman have a swivel die-cast aluminum base that is chrome plated, Polished or black with polished upper edges is available.

It seems really strong, and most importantly, I can sit in the chair without feeling that I could break it at any time. However, copying labels is thankfully extremely rare and 99.9% of the time you find an Eames product label, it will be okay. I found the Plycraft chair very uncomfortable because it required effort to tilt backwards and stay there. As soon as I took my feet off the ottoman, he jumped forward into his upright position. I think it’s okay to be sad that material things break down, especially when they have such a strong memory attached to them, just as it’s amazingly joyful when they’re repaired and as “scarred” as your chair is now.

One of the many things the Eames did really well was scale it up. The 670 offers all the comfort of a larger lounge chair, but is really only as big as it needs to be without sacrificing comfort. I remember you saying something on Twitter (or maybe even here on the blog) about running to New Jersey to repair an Eames lounge.


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