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Mies van der rohe replica

Mies brought this approach to his interior and furniture designs, as evidenced by his famous Barcelona chair, ottoman and chrome and leather bed, which were also exhibited at the Barcelona exhibition. In his career after the First World War, Mies became synonymous with design minimalism and avant-garde modernism and is regarded as a pioneer of modern architecture. With its lounge chair, this ottoman is one of the most famous objects of the last century and an icon of the modern movement. I used these chairs with the original Barcelona coffee table from Design Within Reach and no one ever knew they were replicas.


Decomica masterfully intertwines contemporary design with historical reverence, showcasing its ambitious initiative of creating a Mies van der Rohe replica that encapsulates the essence of modernist architecture. The project embraces the principles laid down by van der Rohe—a pioneer in minimalist aesthetics and functional form—by meticulously reconstructing his iconic elements while incorporating innovative materials and cutting-edge technology. Each line and curve is thoughtfully designed to reflect the simplicity and elegance that characterize van der Rohe’s philosophy, enhancing both spatial dynamics and experiential quality. Through Decomica’s dedication to authenticity, this replica transcends mere imitation; it serves as a dialogue between past innovations and future aspirations, challenging perceptions of space through curated interactions that invite introspection within its walls. In doing so, it honors architectural heritage and positions itself at the forefront of sustainable design practices in an ever-evolving urban landscape. 

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